Friday, January 25, 2013

Back to the ER

Wednesday I ended up back in the ER. I woke up Wednesday morning feeling lethargic. I took a nap and woke up at 9:30 am, with severe stomach pains. I waited until Rodney got home to go to the ER. I didn't want to try and drive myself, plus I really needed his comfort and support. We got to the ER around 5-6pm where they started the same standard battery of tests as always. I was running a fever and in a lot of pain. They gave me something for pain and something to help my nausea. Unfortunately after hours of tests, they couldn't pin point the cause of my pain.  My lipase number (pancreatic enzyme) was high, but it wasn't high enough to cause severe pain. I may have had a small UTI, but it wasn't bad. So, as always I stumped the doctors. They sent me home with antibiotics, nausea meds, and pain meds. As of today I am still running a fever and still feel pretty under the weather. But, I do feel better this evening than I did yesterday evening. So hopefully whatever it is, I am healing from it. It is just frustrating when the doctors leave you with more questions and really no answers. I am thinking about cutting gluten out and seeing if that helps any. At this point I am willing to try anything to get my health back.

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