Chandler is in Fourth grade this year and loves his new teachers. He has already had several quizzes and aced them all. Science is his favorite class.
We decided it was best to hold Maddie back in the Second grade. Maddie had a rough year last year and it showed through her grades. She is complaining that the work right now is to easy, but I think it will become more challenging for her as the year progresses. Unlike Chandler and Victoria she isn't as thrilled to be back in school. Maddie doesn't like change and going to school with all new classmates isn't easy for her. Luckily her birthday is coming up soon and I am planning on inviting all of her new classmates to her party. I am hoping once she becomes familiar with everyone she will enjoy school more. She is doing very well so far with her homework and grades. She got a one-hundred on her first spelling test on Friday!
With the kids out of the house during the day I am working on getting everything reorganized. During the summer we are always out and about and housework is the last thing on my mind. I try to volunteer at the school at least two days a week so I can stay close to the kids. They are comforted knowing mom is there and I always bring them a special treat when I eat lunch with them.
Here are a few photos from their first day back to school.

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