I really want to start blogging more, as a stay at home mom I find it very cathartic to be able to write. It is hard for me because, I am not a natural writer. I often have trouble conveying my thoughts and feelings. Also, I am grammatically challenged, which is something I really want to improve. I have decided I am going to blog and anyone reading will just have to forgive my mistakes and errors. Hopefully over time this will improve.
This month has been so eventful I have so much I need to catch up on. I am bad at multi-tasking. When I have more than one thing going on in my life. I have to choose one to focus on and everything else gets put on the back burner. We recently had a major health scare with Rodney and that's all I could focus on. Everything else this month that needed my attention has fell to the way side. Here it is, nearing the end of January and I am scrambling to get everything done that was needed this month.
I am determined to work on my health this year. For a few years now, I have put my health aside and focused on just my family (again this falls back to me having a hard time multi-tasking). I have put on a significant amount of weight and have picked up really bad sleep and coping habits. I am literally to tired to continue this way so I am going to work on taking better care of me.
This weekend we have a camp-in with Maddie's American Heritage Girls group. American Heritage Girls has been such a blessing. Maddie has really enjoyed all the new friends she has made. She is also learning wonderful life skills that I may not have been able to teach her on her own. Right now they are working on sewing. Though, my goal is to learn how myself, I have yet to do it. Hey, maybe Maddie will be able to teach me. :)
I hate I will not be attending the March for life Monday in Washington DC, but if anyone else wants info on it, go here .
A great book that I recommend to all mothers is Holiness for Housewives and Other Working Mothers. It was funny at didn't care for it at first and in fact wasn't going to continue reading it. Before I could return it to the library my dog decided to use it as a chew toy. She only chewed off the corners of the pages, but it was damaged enough that I had to pay for it. I figured since I had to pay for it I would go ahead and read it. I loved it! It really made me look at being a stay at home mother in a new light.
Rodney has a job opportunity coming open in April. If he could get this job, we would be making almost the same amount he was making in recruiting. Not to mention this is back with the military so he could still get his full retirement. Please, please pray that if it is God's will he gets this job.
Everyone have a safe and wonderful weekend!
Everyone have a safe and wonderful weekend!
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